Some journalists and researchers at the BBC appear to have no understanding at all of the politics of the extreme Islamists who they invite onto their news programmes...
David T is relieved to find the Beeb owning up to a mistake.
Emanuele Ottolenghi, who has a good op-ed on Ariel Sharon's latest move, alerts me to a new national security website, Threatswatch. Milblogger Bill Roggio is one of the contributors.
And in case you'd forgotten, this is how the Iraqi "resistance" likes to make its point - not with finely crafted manifestos, but by blowing up children.
PS: Scott Burgess is right to be alarmed at this quote from British boxer, Prince Naseem Hamed:
There is one thing that I have always stuck to and I always will do; I will never fight another Muslim. I might spar with him, or teach him a few tricks but – even if there was a billion dollars on the line – I would never get in the ring with another Muslim. It is against my principles.
A hundred years ago, white boxers refused to fight black challengers. So much for progress.