The Indy's TV critic, Thomas Sutcliffe sees Channel Four allow a black conservative onto the airwaves - well, sort of:
The programme makers decided not to mention that Wilfrid Emmanuel Jones is now the Conservative candidate for Chippenham, perhaps because they didn't want one prejudice to cloud the study of another.
Very thoughtful of them. [No link to the article available yet - sorry.]
I don't know how Wilfrid feels about "compassionate conservatism" but Tim Montgomerie thinks there's still a lot the Tories could learn from their American cousins. Zero-tolerance policing is high on his list. More on that subject in the Spectator's feature devoted to American law enforcers' view of where Britain is going wrong:
The chiefs were scathing about the British government’s plan, now delayed, to cut the number of police forces. Crime prevention works best when there are lots of local, accountable police forces, free to experiment, they said. They accused the British government of micromanaging the police, arguing that different local conditions require very different responses and local commanders should be given maximum discretion.