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Tuesday, January 09, 2007



The third paragraph of the following report might provide some scant consolation for the sorry state of affairs described above). Rest assured that such travesties are not a purely British phenomenon. I was assaulted three years ago in the Netherlands by a drunken Dutch neighbour (one with previous convictions and experience of prison). Nine blows to my face were punished by conditional fine of 300 euros. Here's to lightning not striking twice!


... and your wall still isn't fixed.
They should have sentenced him to dealing with the insurance company regarding the wall repair.


Good idea, but his lawyer would probably say it's cruel and unusual punishment...

Sean aka RWB

You don't say how or if you managed to conceal your rage against the PC who showed up four hours later, camera-less -- that is, if you felt rage, or only resignation. Obviously getting mad at the police would achieve less than nothing, but I don't think I could have controlled myself. I guess the frustration is better directed at your nearest local elected official. Or does that seem pointless as well?

Not long ago I had cause to seek the attention of the police to something here in my home of New York City, and I must say I was very pleasantly impressed by how quick and responsive they were. And it was an issue that required significant resources and time. I probably wasn't the only complainant, but they took the trouble to call a couple of weeks later and let me know what they had accomplished. Of-course, in the U.S., the effectiveness of police departments varies by locale, and the prevailing notions of law enforcement.

Your post over at the Daily Dish on local crime and the oppressive thuggery you sometimes encounter was chilling as well. If Rudy Giuliani doesn't end up running for president, maybe he could be coaxed to run for mayor of London.

Clive Davis

Well, by the end I wasn't doing very well at hiding my irritation. I tried to keep it bottled up at first, partly because he had a trainee PC with him, partly because I've had the same frustrating experience a few times before when dealing with the police. Later on, I gave him a much harder time on the phone, and did the same with his supervisor. Not that it had any effect: they insisted they'd handled it all according to the book. I appreciate they're overstretched, and that they have much more serious cases to worry about, but the jobsworth, "not much we can do about it, guv" school of policing isn't the way to win over the public.

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