In the aftermath of the Berlin opera fiasco, Popcorn vendor Martha Bayles analyzes the modern cult of transgression:
Its creed is really quite simple: If law and custom allow 25 yards of freedom in which to make art, and the artist feels that 50 yards is needed to create the work, then he or she must take 100 yards, thereby "pushing the envelope" of what law and custom will tolerate.
In previous centuries and most other civilizations, 50 yards has been enough, and artists have sought the middle ground between the constraints of society and the demands of the muse. But that is not good enough for today's high priests of art, such as Deutsche Oper director Hans Neuenfels...In the high church of art, Mozart is a semi failure who secretly yearned to play football with the severed heads of prophets, but due to the repressive attitudes of various princes and archbishops, was forced to write gorgeous, immortal music instead.